We're here for brokers.
And, we're here for
heavy motor.

We value your time, and appreciate you want
the best protection for your clients' heavy
motor fleet. So, we promise not to waste it.

1300 994 642

02 9227 8400

Claim Confirmation of Transaction

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The Insurance Council of Australia Limited has developed the General Insurance Code of Practice (‘the Code’), which is a voluntary self-regulatory code. The Code aims to raise the standards of practice and service in the insurance industry.

HDI Global Specialty SE – Australian Branch adopted the Code on terms agreed with the Insurance Council of Australia. For further information on the Code please visit

The Code Governance Committee (‘CGC’) is an independent body that monitors and enforces insurers’ compliance with the Code. For more information on the CGC go to


HMIA is committed to supporting customers facing financial hardship. Financial hardship involves an inability of the customer to pay a debt, rather than an unwillingness to do so. Financial hardship may arise from a variety of situations and may be for a limited duration or long term.
For more information about the financial hardship provisions under the General Insurance Code of Practice, click the following link and see Part 10 (Financial Hardship): Code of Practice.

How HMIA can support you

HMIA are here to support you. If you’re having trouble paying a financial obligation to us, call (02) 9227 8400 to talk to us about your situation. HMIA will work out a plan with you.
The support that HMIA provides does not include support with paying the premiums under an insurance policy we have issued.
If you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact HMIA on (02) 9227 8400 regarding our Financial Hardship Support.

Fast tracking urgent claims

If an event, such as a natural disaster, has meant you have to make a claim under your policy and also caused you ti be in urgent financial need of benefits under that policy, please let us know, HMIA are here to support you. We might be able to speed up our assessment to give you a decision on your claim or pay an advance amount to assist your financial situation.

Managing our Debt Collectors

HMIA's debt collectors have ben trained to manage financila hardship. However, you may still contact HMIA directly. If you tell our collection agent or solicitor that you are experiencing financial hardship they must notify us and give you information in writing about HMIA's Financial Hardship process.

Support Services

If you wish to speak to someone, the National Debt Helpline provides confidential financial counselling resources that can provide advice to Australians in every state and territory:
Contact the National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007.


Teletypewriter (TTY) users call 133 677 and tehn ask for (02) 9227 8400

Speak and Listen users call 1300 555 727 and then ask for (02) 9227 8400

International Relay users connect to the National Relay Service then ask for (02) 9227 8400


HMIA can arrange for an interpreter to help you with your call.

Ask us for an interpreter when you call us, and HMIA will arrange for an interpreter through the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS).

Alternatively, you can phone the TIS directly on 131 450 and ask them to arrange an interpreter. When speaking to TIS please advise them that you wish to speak to HMIA (02) 9227 8400 and provide them with HMIA’s TIS Client Code of C020104.

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